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Art Haus 

Project   Art Haus

Year  2015

Location Taipei


Art Haus, a high-end boutique shop takes simplicity into account as its main design concept. It is a wide-open space with flexible product arrangements like a gallery. The space is different from conventional high-end boutique shops; the design is neat and modern with subtle interior design elements as a background to display extraordinary clothing, home accessories, jewelry, and books. 

精品店Art Haus宛如畫廊般地完美呈現高級進口服飾、首飾、家飾品、設計書籍等商品,設計師以乾淨俐落的設計手法,利用簡單的材質與線條刻劃出整體空間的優雅氣質,以高貴素雅的白色磨石子磚及雪白銀狐大理石牆面為背景,商品如藝術品般的脫穎而出,綻放著光彩等待伯樂欣賞。

The designer uses clean lines to divide the walls and floor with white and gray terrazzo. To make the space more luxurious, the designer covers the columns with ariston marble, and has the round display tables with light blue crystal marble tabletop scattering in the store. The materials used in the space are simple, steady, and quiet with an elegant touch. 


The space is designed with flexibility and multi-functions with a gallery concept, which allows name brands to build a pop-up shop in shop for seasonal events. The gold metal clothing racks and marble round display tables are freely scattered in the space to make the high quality products even more stand out. Lighting is another important key point for a flexible space. The recessed led lights on the ceiling could be turned 360 degrees with extendable function, which give the store more varieties in uses of space. 

Art Haus的空間彷彿開放藝廊,中間擺置活動中島桌面及高低層次衣架,可以按季節做不同的陳列方式,以及與國外品牌合作pop up shop in shop的概念,也能自行利用道具或是屏風,將大空間分割成小區域來陳列精品、敘述品牌故事。設計師選用可360度旋轉、自由伸縮的燈具,讓空間照明更活用,也讓商品更加光彩奪目。

About 80% of the store is built with terrazzo, which is different from what conventional boutique shops would use in their store designs. However, traditional process of making terrazzo is not very environmental friendly that it causes a lot of noise, dust, and wastewater during construction; therefore, the designer uses terrazzo tiles with simple and fast installation technique without producing much pollution for the environment. The uses of simple and traditional materials could make the elegance of a brand last forever.

Art Haus百分之80的空間是使用傳統建材磨石子,跳脫以往精品店會選用的材料。除此之外,傳統磨石子的施工過程會有噪音、粉塵及廢水等汙染問題,所以設計師別出心裁的改用磨石子磚,並以鋪設瓷磚的方式施工,既快速、無噪音且施工期間並無廢料。Art Haus運用單純、傳統的材質,營造出雅致又富有品牌魅力的精品空間,讓每件商品都成為永垂不朽的渴望。

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